Flat Futures [2008]


Miquel Mora, Spain. [www.miquelmora.com]

We live in a 'paper' culture. Our everyday life is linked to paper objects, but we have always been led towards a paperless future. What if we could 'enhance' paper instead of getting rid of it?The Flat Futures project deals with digital paper. Through printed electronics we can create processors, displays, batteries on flat and flexible surfaces like paper. Objects will wear technology instead of carrying them inside. It will become their skin. How will this affect our lives? How will our relationship with these enhanced objects change? If any surface can display anything, where will its value be? In the physical object? Or in the information itself? What if objects are made of paper? How are we going to interact with them? For instance, the disposable Paper Alarm Clock needs to be scrunched up in order to turn it off. It brings new ways to experience electronic products.

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